GIEBC | Think Positive, Act Positive

Life never stops, it moves at its own pace and harmony. It always has ups and downs. When you are an entrepreneur you are creating a scope of jobs. So you have to be positive and always have to think positive. In any hardship if you think about others' problems, solutions will automatically click in your head. If you can think positively you will definitely get something positive or more. But at the beginning of hardship, if you start to think negatively, this will ruin everything like your hope, courage and strength and many more. And lastly it has a huge possibility of losing your dream enterprise. With such tips and suggestions a session was arranged titled “Think Positive, Act Positive”. The session was conducted by Shwapna Bhowmick, Country Manager, Marks and Spencer  Bangladesh.


Shwapna Bhowmick said that due to the current pandemic situation, the online and offline market became full of competition. In this situation the seller has to come up with different ideas to present unique products/ services, said Ms. Shwapna.

She advised, “You have to put creativity in your products and also think about planet sustainability, only that's how you can sell your products in a different way”. With the help of networking or even social media, one can easily spread the knowledge of the existing products to the world, said Shwapna Bhowmick. Women need to build up the habit of self management to get a grip mentally, economically and financially. 

A participant named ‘Naznin  Khondokar’ asked Shwapna Bhowmick, “how can we stay strong while our surroundings are full of negativity?”

Shwapna Bhowmick replied, “There will be a lot of people spreading negativity when you are about to start something. Even I faced it too!” and advised her not to care about such words and carry on believing your ideas.

Shwapna Bhowmick shared some of her personal stories where she tried to make the participants realize that when someone starts trying to make a place for themselves in the society, there will be a group of people who will always try to let you down; it can even be a family member of yours. But there will be a few people who will believe in you and she advised that to take that positive attitude to build up and validate your ideas and not to give up.

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