Smart Reflection of Yourself in Your Resume: Hands on Job Preparation Workshop

“I have always skipped the cover letter section as it takes a long time to customize before each job application. But from this workshop, I got to know how a cover letter helps my resume getting noticed to the employer”- said a participant from an online hands-on job preparation workshop held on 22nd May 2021.

Being strategic in pursuing a dream career is the key requirement of a job seeker. That is why Bangladesh Open Source Network organizes an online hands-on job preparation workshop titled “Smart reflection of yourself in your resume” focusing on grooming our female students to prepare a customized resume. The main objective of this workshop was to demonstrate a simple and effective way of applying for any job.

The workshop was designed only for university-level female students and graduates to prepare for their future job market and help them find their dream job. A total of 74 students from all over the country took part in this workshop. The content of this workshop was identifying different parts of a resume and its purpose, demonstrating resume rules and how they affect the development of a resume, providing learnings about how to handle special skills and references on a resume, way of developing a cover letter to accompany the resume and finally showing how to put the finishing touches on a resume with proper formatting and proofreading.

The entire workshop includes frequently asked questions of the participants so that they can make their concept clear about the exact and appropriate approaches to applying for any job interview.

It is to be mentioned that, this workshop was organized under the three-year project ESDG4BD of BdOSN.

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