Workshop: Hacks to Chase Your Dream Job

There is no alternative for girls to increase their self-confidence to be established. You just have to be more insistence to get a successful career- Parveen Sultana Huda, a Human Resource Professional and Senior consultant at the and Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center Office of Professional Development, made the remarks at the online workshop 'Hacks to Chase Your Dream Job' on Friday Jul 30, 2021.

With the participation of a total of 120 female individuals, this online hands on Job Preparation workshop was organized by Bangladesh Open Source network (BdOSN). They joined the workshop online from different parts of the country.

hacks to chase your dream job

During the two-hour session, Parveen Huda made various presentations and said that girls cannot make their own decisions. From here they started falling behind. However, times have changed and now we have to make our own decisions. Millions of data are being added to the world every day. Parveen Sultana Huda also commented that she has to keep herself updated with this information every day to achieve her goal.

After the introductory segment, she moved towards the way of planning a career. She said you need to align your brain and mind like create self-awareness about setting a smart goal, create a career mindset, emotional inteligence, etc. Market analysis, career research, and networking are also important as well. She said I started thinking like a networker from an early stage and I tried to do anything wherever I had the opportunity. I started gathering experience in different fields that helps me to promote personal branding.

She also describes the career-limiting moves that pull us back like-Not Prepared and Not Visible, Workplace Imagination and Drama, Jumping Career Thoughts, Not Updating Self, Not Going with the Flow, and so on. She suggested having a personal swot analysis in a regular basis.

Parveen Huda also instructed our girls on resume writing. She suggested that, you need to focus you on your resume and have to know how this resume can sell your expertise and take you closer to your dream. She also explained the Dos’ and Dont’s of the resume.

Online Interview hacks were also described to the participants. She mentioned some tips and tricks to create a first impression to the interviewer. At the end of the workshop, our resource person said, a person should not have only Plan A, because plan A might not work always. We all have plan b/c….We have to be always self-motivated.

Participants asked so many questions to our resource person about her secret of professional success, how she balanced her personal and professional life, how she always kept her motivated, how she could find her dream job, which age is perfect for starting a career, tips and tricks about switching any career and so on. Our guest replied all the questions with full enthusiasm.

You will find full workshop video here.

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